Friday, September 2, 2011

Its the most wonderful time of the year...

Not sure if anyone realizes this yet month starts the "holiday months!!" Eek! Where did this year go?! I never thought September would get here and now that it's here I realize that next month is Halloween, 2 months from now is Thanksgiving, and 3 months from now it's Christmas! Exciting but a wtf moment also! For the rest of September I'll be cleaning the house and getting ready for our move to Texas (whoop!). October will be mostly unpacking everything and finding a job that I like (boo). Then we'll be in November. =) I love November because it's chilly outside, the leaves are still kinda red and look beautiful (at least in Ga they are...), and it's perfectly ok for me to burn my pumpkin scented candles. Haha. While I was just cleaning up I found one of my pumpkin candles from last year and took a huge whiff of it. It was amazing. I want to burn one right now but I'm using willpower to keep from doing so. Taking a huge whiff of that candle also reminded me that in November I get to make pumpkin bread!!! =D Yay!! I love my pumpkin bread and from the few people I sent it to last year, they love it too! =) So again this year, I'll be excitedly making pumpkin bread. If I can figure out how to sell them I will but I don't know how to get the word out on it. =\

Well, I know it's early to  think about making pumpkin bread but if you would like some very yummy pumpkin bread let me know and I'll send you some! I think I'll do $5 for the tiny bunt cakes (10 in a bag) and $10 for 2 loaves of it. Let me know! I'll bring this back up middle of October so I can remind people but tell your friends and family! Help an Army wife out! =)

1 comment:

  1. omg i love pumpkin bread!! i make it too...and eat it all, lol!
